Bam Bizzy

In the debate of which city is up next to run hip-hop, Bam Bizzy puts LA in prime position for the top.  

Perter Nichols, who adopted the rap moniker Bam Bizzy, has remained true to his grind and manifested his potential as a rap star intent on standing beside the greats in hip-hop. Born and raised in Watts, Los Angeles, Bizzy turned his attention to the rap game in 2010, launching his career to becoming a prominent rapper in hip-hop’s history books. From there, his work ethic proved to be the key to creating the level of lyricism worthy of praise. Placing his focus on practicing his craft, his skills on the mic attained a level few artist only wish to have. Once becoming untouchable over the mic, he channeled his energy into recording music. This set off a chain of events that opened opportunities which led to building connections with a number of producers in the music industry. Once acquiring his deserved buzz, Bizzy was on the course for success.  

Bam Bizzy was not only an artist at heart, but a businessman at mind. Capitalizing on his moment in the spotlight, he created his brand, Triple Bam Productions, a Recoding Production Company LLC Record Label. With his platform, he developed a trusted team of creatives that shared the same ambition to get him to the top. Bizzy would take his career to higher heights under Bentley Records management, singing an Artist development Deal. This partnership brought a number of lucrative resources, all of which Bizzy used to his benefit. He went on to release a slew of singles, Ep, and an album which gained him global recognition. Bizzy was making waves in the rap game, catching the attention of major artists like Gasses Malone which lead to collaborations with others in the industry.  

With the trendy and lyrical sound of Bam Bizzy’s music, his tracks are a representation of just how talented the LA rapper is. No question LA is about to have a hold on the rap game with the addition of another legend in the making. Bam Bizzy is cooking up more heat to supply the demand for his music with upcoming singles and projects being worked on behind the scenes. His music and career are one to keep up to date on. Don’t miss out on his rise. Follow his socials for more on Bam Bizzy:  


