With passion and talent, Ria Reup is grinding her way into hip-hop greatness.
Born in the small town of Johnsonville SC, in a population of 1,200, there was one girl that was defiant against the norm. Ria Reup, the middle child of an older brother and younger sister had a calling to music and has the skills and versatility to become an icon in the industry. After spending her teenage years in Morgan City Louisiana, she found her way back home where she dedicated her focus to molding her career as an artist.
Her life has been one with many twists and turns, required to face the reality of having a psychopath for a mother and a father that was the local Rockstar being the lead singer for a successful rock band. Within this small town, Ria inherited her father’s love for music and over time grew a deeper connection with hip-hop. As she honed her craft, her stylistic sound is one of blues merged with rap, creating a signature sound that only her creativity and voice can create. With singles like ‘Riddles’ and ‘While I’m Alive,’ Ria’s melodic flows and rhyme schemes will leave any in awe at the level of wit and artistry she possesses. Her music can be felt, real and tied together with emotion, but even with her obvious talent, some from her town frown upon her genre of choice. Their eyes see ethnicity, but Ria holds no discrimination, for her love is for the music. There are always those that go against positivity, but the few in her town that doubt her path, are greatly outweighed by the undying support and love the others show. Ria Reup remains unphased by the voices of disapproval, knowing in her heart she was destined to do music.
As the new year kicks off, Ria is continuing her grind, perfecting tracks to release to her loyal fanbase. Her status and prominence in the music industry continues to grow with every release, rising her fame worldwide. She’s a rebel, unphased by any not supporting her craft. Their doubt is only fuel to her fire, finding love in their hate. Her name is already making its way from city to city, country to country, elevating past the local scene. Her come up is growing closer and with the perseverance and lyricism she holds, she is heading straight for the top. Check out her singles and follow her music via the links:
Riddles: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=tQLyazGdA5o&feature=share
While I’m Alive: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=LbWtbalH3sU&feature=share